Dinosaurs were the largest creatures to roam the Earth many years
ago. The question is what happened to them?
The Bible says in Exodus 20:11 “For in six days the LORD
made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is”. This includes all the dinosaurs. There are three different types of dinosaurs.
In the beginning God made a perfect world and gave us free will.
Man chose to disobey God and sin against Him. After many years man was so wicked that God destroyed the world with a global flood. All the land animals with the breath of life died in the flood and many of them were buried by mud and sediment. This is the reason we find dinosaur fossils all over the world today.
Not all of the dinosaurs died in the flood. Two of each kind
of dinosaur (there were probably 50 different kinds) entered into the ark with Noah and his family. The average size of a dinosaur is the size of a sheep so there would be no problem with fitting them on the ark. After the flood all the animals got off of the ark and repopulated the Earth. There was some dinosaurs before the flood that were fighting and eating each other but it was not until after the flood that the Bible specifically mentions animals becoming afraid of man.
Genesis 9:2 "And the fear of you
and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered." If dinosaurs were on the ark why are theynot around today?
Some people think dinosaurs have been observed today
in the swamps of the Congo or living in large lakes, but because of the lack of evidence most people believe that they are extinct. There are several reasons why animals go extinct:
The reason you do not see dinosaurs in downtown Milwaukee
is the same reason you do not see bears in downtown Milwaukee. When humans come in they drive the wild animals from the land or hunt them. Since most of the city is covered with concrete or buildings the wild animals typically do not come back.
The word 'dinosaur' literally means 'terrible lizard' and was
invented in 1842 by Sir Richard Owen. Before that time they were known as 'dragons'. There are dragon legends from all over the world. The Chinese zodiac has 11 regular animals and a dragon. The Ishtar Gate in Babylon contains bricks with images of tigers, bulls, and dragons. The first definition of 'dragon' in a dictionary from 1946 is: “Now rare. A huge serpent.” Over the years people have made up legends about talking dragons or other made up stories but the large animal that the myths talk about has its origin in fact. Question: What kind of creature:
1. Has a tail as large as a cedar tree?
2. Is the largest creature God created?
The Bible is the most historically accurate book in the world
and it talks about dragons many times. It describes them as fierce creatures that live in places where humans do not. Sometimes in the KJV Old Testament the word 'whale' can also be translated dragon. The Bible describes a dragon like sea monster by the name of Leviathan (Job 41) and also describes a dinosaur named Behemoth (Job 40) that is the largest of the creatures God made, his belly is the largest part of him, and he has a tail the size of a cedar tree.
Some people think dinosaurs lived millions of years ago but
this is inconsistent with the clear teaching of the Bible and is contrary to much science. Carbon dating is used to date things that were once living but it can only read back at the most 50,000 years, not millions of years. Other radiometric dating methods can be used to date igneous or metamorphic rock but these methods have been proven to be inaccurate.
The only thing we can rely on is God's word. God used eyewitnesses
to write down history so we can learn from it. Those eyewitnesses saw animals we now call dinosaurs. When reading a history book it is more logical to believe the eyewitnesses than to believe someone who was not there.
God's word also teaches us about other people that were eyewitnesses
of the resurrected Jesus. Many of these apostles and disciples were martyred (Acts 7), not because of what they believed to be true, but because they would not deny the fact that they had seen the resurrected Jesus. We too must have faith in Christ, that he took our punishment for the sins we committed against him, and that he died and rose again so that when we can go to heaven to be with him forever. Because of our sins we deserve to die and be punished in hell, but God is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010
What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
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